with Extracts of Nettle, Ginseng, Green Tea, Henna, and Espinosilla
A nutrient-rich shampoo that provides vitamins and moisture for the scalp and promotes hair growth. Using non-comedogenic ingredients, this is a skin-friendly shampoo that will not cause clogging of the pores during rinsing. Safe and pH-balanced, formulated for everyday use.
No Sulfates. No Silicones. No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS). No Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES). No Polyethylene Glycols (PEG). No Cocamidopropyl Betaine. No Propylene Glycol. No Momoethanolamine (MEA). No Diethanolamine (DEA). No Triethanolamine (TEA). No Methylisothiazoline (MIT). No Triclosan. No Phenoxyethanol. No Bad Alcohols. No Parabens. No Formaldehyde. No 1,4 Dioxane. No Fragrance. No Colorant. No Phthalates. No Polysorbates. No cruelty. Vegetarian & Vegan-friendly.
Amelie –
When it comes to hair and scalp it is always difficult for me to go and try new products cause my scalp is really sensitive, I am also thinning and my hair is curly so it dries easily. So when it comes to buying shampoo I am extra careful but I tried Frida’s one and my hair looked so nice I did not experienced itchy scalp. So nice!
ryryka –
Aku suka banget ama shampo ini ! Rada mahal dibandingin produk2 pasaran, tapi entah kenapa rambut yg dasarnya berminyak, ga terlalu berminyak lagi setelah pake 3 hari berturut2.
semoga bisa bantu ngurangin rambut rontok ye ^^
I. R. –
I got my first small bottle from a Korean friend. After only 4 days, my hair felt much thicker and less greasy than before.
I am absolutely in love with this!
Great value for the price and the small bottle lasted about 4 months – I have short hair though.
Mimin –
Cocok banget untuk rambut rontok-ku
Pakai pertama kali waktu perjalanan umroh Ramadhan kemarin. Hemat botol karena bisa dipake mandi, dan rambutnya ga’ rontok padahal Cuaca panas banget dan ke-tutup terus.
Jamal Barbari –
This shampoo is one of my favorites.. I have used a lot of shampoos in the past with my thinning hair and none have proven helpful. However, despite my thinning, this shampoo has helped in keeping my hair strands strong and thick. Its no antidote to anyone who is losing, that hasnt occurred yet. but if you want natural, effective and shampoo that will benefit your hair and health, look no further.
Anindya Anindya –
Shampo kesayangan anggota keluarga
Produk berkualitas emang nyata hasilnya. Pake shampo ini, ketombe dan gatal-gatal dikulit kepala langsung kabur. Rambut yang dulu rontok juga jadi jauh lebih kuat, sampe-sempe pas sisiran heboh nyariin rambut yang rontok tapi cuma nemu 3-4 helai hahahaha
Lebih menenangkan juga karena bahannya aman, jadi bisa dipakai sekeluarga (dipakai sama suami dan anak juga), hemat jadinya hihihi
박민지 –
시원한 기분!
요즘같이 미세먼지 많은 날 돌아다니면 두피가 갑갑한 기분이 많이 드는데 노폐물 제거에 좋아요. 특히 지성인 분들 사용하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
sari –
shampo ajaib
ini shampo favorit saya.dari dlu rambut saya rontok bgt.udh smua shampo yg trkenal di indo saya pake,tp tetap aja rontok.tp stelah pke shampo kk frida ini,rambut saya tidak rontok lg,amazing!
Tina –
Pake shampoo dan conditioner produk mb fridaskincare Rambut terasa ringan dan lembut bnget ni tangan ga henti2nya ngebelain rambut.
Dah jatuh hati sama produk fridaskincare
Eva damayanti –
The best organic natural shampoo!
By far this is the best organic natural shampoo I’ve ever tried. Been changing brands for natural shampoo looking for the best fit for my hair type. Some gave me good clean but left my hair dry, some made my hair manageble yet left greasy feeling.
This shampoo does it all to my fine hair. It nourishes, gives me good clean feeling, doesn’t leave my hair dry…and to top it all, I love the smell so much!!!
Ashley Stowers –
Amazing shampoo and soaps!
Amazing shampoo and soaps! My hair was getting really damaged this past winter and I tried Frida’s Perfecting Hair Treatment Shampoo… soooo amazing! I recently ran out and had to buy from L*SH, hoping for a high quality shampoo, and Frida’s shampoo knocked L*SH out of the park. So much better and for a much better price! I’ll be shopping with Frida from now on.
Olia Molia –
대 만족합니다
아시다시피 머리는 여자한테 왕관 이죠 저는 36살 입니다. 몇달전에 저의 머리가 계속 빠졌어요. 많이 빠졌어요. 프리다 샴푸를 쓰보니까 좋은 결과가 나왔습니다. 이제 머리를 안 빠지고 건강하고 옜날보다 더 반짝반짝 되어 있다. 대 만족합니다. 감사합니다 프리다 ^^
Rasy Jannu –
Shampo kak Frida super duper kak!
Tau ga kak, rambut Ida kan udah super duper parah rontoknya, karena 3 bulan sekali kalau suami datang, Ida selalu smoothing lurusin rambut. Jadi kalau pakai shampoo atau pun masker l*real yang biasa Ida pakai pas lagi keramas, cuma Ida pijat-pijat aja kulit kepalanya, di jari udah penuh dengan rontokan rambut Ida. Pas dibilas, lubang saluran pembuangan air udah penuh dengan rambut Ida. Ini tadi, Ida cobain shampoo dan conditioner kakak, hanya 1 helai aja yg kelihatan di jari Ida. Lubang pembuangan air-nya ga ada lagi rontokan rambut! Shampo kak Frida super duper kak!! Inilah shampoo yg selama ini Ida cari-cari. Biasanya cuma disikat dengan jari ujung rambut Ida, udah langsung rontok. Baru sekali pake Shampoo dan Conditioner-nya kak Frida, ga ada lagi rambut rontok yang melekat di jari. Ajaib dan Mantap pokoknya Shampoo dan Conditioner kak Frida. Ga bakalan mau pindah ke lain produk. NO WAY! SUKSES YA FRIDASKINCARE!
PS: Kalau ada, ciptain produk supaya bikin rambut lurus juga ya kak hehehe
Sarah Parlette –
It’s really difficult to find a good shampoo
I’ve been using Frida’s Perfecting Hair Treatment shampoo for a few weeks now and my hair loves it. My hair had been thinning and really oily, especially in the summertime, but Frida’s shampoo has thickened my hair and keeps it from becoming too oily. As someone with really long hair, it’s really difficult to find a shampoo that treats my scalp gently while still hydrating and cleaning the rest of my hair but the Perfecting Hair Treatment shampoo does exactly that. I’ve had multiple compliments on how healthy my hair looks and even on great it smells.