with Extracts of Nettle, Ginseng, Green Tea, Henna, and Espinosilla
Everything you need in a conditioner to nourish, repair and make hair soft, silky, stronger, healthier, shiny and manageable! Can be used as a leave-in hair balm or a rinse-off hair and body conditioner.
No Sulfates. No Silicones. No Propylene Glycol. No Polyethylene Glycols (PEG). No Momoethanolamine (MEA). No Diethanolamine (DEA). No Triethanolamine (TEA). No Methylisothiazoline (MIT). No Triclosan. No Phenoxyethanol. No Bad Alcohols. No Parabens. No Formaldehyde. No 1,4 Dioxane.
No Fragrance. No Colorant. No Phthalates. No Polysorbates. No cruelty. Vegetarian & Vegan-friendly.
Jamal Barbari –
Ive been using the hair tonic conditioner along side the shampoo and I have to say, its quite nice. My hair is on the weaker side and I have been losing it for awhile but the shampoo and the conditioner combined has given it a strong presence and has helped the thin strands feel and look strong as ever.
Alla Ponomareva –
You can’t go wrong with this conditioner!
While not a big fan of Korean products, I used to bring enough shampoo and conditioner with me from home. Now I don’t have to since I’ve stopped coloring my hair as frequently and found Frida’s all natural products suitable to my tastes, needs and budget. This conditioner is great for me because it doesn’t leave my pretty long hair tangled as other conditioners do. I wash it off with ease and my hair is left with almost no knots or tangles. I haven’t used it as a leave in conditioner yet, but I’m very happy with its consistency, smell and effect on my hair.
박민지 –
필요한 것만 들어간 컨디셔너
펌을 자주 했더니 건조하고 가는 모발이 돼서, 평소 트리트먼트는 꼭 해야 했거든요. 여기서 샴푸 + 린스 사서 써 봤는데 예전처럼 모발에 탄력이 생기는 게 보여서 신기해요. 프리다 고마워요~ㅎㅎ
Tina –
Ringan dan lembut
Rambut terasa ringan dan lembut mudah diatur. sekarang semenjak pakai produk ini rambut saya tdk lembab lg kulit kepala jg tdk gatal enak bngt dikulit kepalanya memang bagus pake banget.
moonik p –
cocok buat rambut dikeriting & diwarnain
Wanginya enak dan bikin rambut jadi halus. Dipakenya kaya pake kondisioner bilas. Setelah rambut kering, keritingnya tetep keliatan keren dan ga berantakan. Untuk rambut keriting, paling oke kalo dipake barengan sama argan oil. Pas bilasnya juga ga perlu waktu lama kaya kondisioner lain, keliatan banget kalo produknya ramah lingkungan.
Sarah Conway –
I would recommend this conditioner
I have curly hair which is on the frizzy side. It has been in a bad way recently due to Korea’s hard water. It gets very tangled especially as I have to wear it up for work. The Frida conditioner made my hair feel hydrated and soft. I read the instructions on the website and decided to use it as a hair mask so I kept it on for one hour I must say I used a very generous amount as my hair really needed the treatment. Usually when I have a hair mask on my head feels very heavy with the weight of the product but this conditioner made it feel light. Because my hair has been really dry it has lost most of its curl definition but after having the conditioner on for twenty minutes I started to see the curls come back. I went to bed with my hair slightly damp as it was late and I was absolutely astonished to find in the morning my hair still had some volume and wasn’t completely a big ball of fizz. The next morning I applied some more on my hair as a leave in and wore my hair in a very loose ponytail. I would recommend this conditioner to anyone who needs some life brought back to their hair.
Rasy Jannu –
Shampo kak Frida super duper kak!
Tau ga kak, rambut Ida kan udah super duper parah rontoknya, karena 3 bulan sekali kalau suami datang, Ida selalu smoothing lurusin rambut. Jadi kalau pakai shampoo atau pun masker l*real yang biasa Ida pakai pas lagi keramas, cuma Ida pijat-pijat aja kulit kepalanya, di jari udah penuh dengan rontokan rambut Ida. Pas dibilas, lubang saluran pembuangan air udah penuh dengan rambut Ida. Ini tadi, Ida cobain shampoo dan conditioner kakak, hanya 1 helai aja yg kelihatan di jari Ida. Lubang pembuangan air-nya ga ada lagi rontokan rambut! Shampo kak Frida super duper kak!! Inilah shampoo yg selama ini Ida cari-cari. Biasanya cuma disikat dengan jari ujung rambut Ida, udah langsung rontok. Baru sekali pake Shampoo dan Conditioner-nya kak Frida, ga ada lagi rambut rontok yang melekat di jari. Ajaib dan Mantap pokoknya Shampoo dan Conditioner kak Frida. Ga bakalan mau pindah ke lain produk. NO WAY! SUKSES YA FRIDASKINCARE!
PS: Kalau ada, ciptain produk supaya bikin rambut lurus juga ya kak hehehe
June Holligan –
I love the herbal scent
I have used this Rejuvenating Hair Tonic Conditioner as a deep conditioner, a leave-in, and as a daily moisturizer. It leaves my 4b-4c hair soft and very manageable. It is one of the better conditioners I’ve ran into.
I love the herbal scent, the fact that it is natural, and that it is the first Korean-made product that can work with my hair texture.
It’s not easy to find good AND natural products for our hair in Korea.
This product did a great job! I would definitely recommend it for people with 4a/b/c hair!